96 / 11
7th Jul 2011
17th Sep 2014
Most of it is destroyable except for the walls,pipe and some diamond. Please leave comments and enjoy =D
distillation water clogsandbreak thisblewup miniture salty


  • hadie23
    12th Jul 2011
    my heat bomb, does MASSIVE damage to this, check it out... and btw very good i always love the saves that are destroyable and have a meaning
  • hankbanker
    11th Jul 2011
    do we have no say if someone gets banned? i mean why cant they ask people what THEY want to be a rule why cant ask people who THEY want to be banned its just wrong... just pure wrong...
  • hankbanker
    11th Jul 2011
    i want to speak with the mods they need to liston to us they are doing the same as they did 300 years ago with the american colonist
  • OEpicVsHereticO
    11th Jul 2011
    cmon cctv sign it anyway ould do some good im doing it
  • Strigon17
    11th Jul 2011
    Way to bum her out cctv...
  • cctvdude99
    11th Jul 2011
    Lia, bans are rarely changed, especially if permanent. It's not gunna happen, trust me.
  • Radi6tion
    11th Jul 2011
    I saw it and (signed it I supose?) But what happened? was he banned or something?
  • Lia
    11th Jul 2011
    radi6tion, alin said you were a friend. help bring alin back and see the petition save emo made
  • danieagle7
    11th Jul 2011
    Pipe os destroyable, i use it as a bomb :D
  • ferretbite
    11th Jul 2011
    @C-4boom no the BRCK wall around it is but the pipe itself isnt