Tell me what you want and be patient i could take a bit. I'll make a list if i get alot of requests. Thanks
can i get writing like (skull)winap8(skull)
hey can you make me a logo that says "hunt" in tesla and a diamond on the left of my name
can you make a logo that says Elie the idiot?
can u make me a logo plz?
can i have my name all flashy and stuff, im happy with anything that u make :)
can i have the english flag with a wolf in it please :)
hey can i have a logo that says my name and the colors neon blue and green and please make it glowy with a gun ty
Sorry I meant Diamondice
Hey Creator, could you make me a MW3 logo with the wavy green line? Thanks!!!
can I have a blue tron light cycle being chased by a creeper from minecraft