Tell me what you want and be patient i could take a bit. I'll make a list if i get alot of requests. Thanks
i want a stickman rideing a grey and white wolf
with dmnd around it and the sun needs to be HWSC
i want a fighter plane going over the horizon
i want a bong with stonerforlife4:20 in smoke form coming out on the top on it.
Can you make me something cool with my name and a creeper from minecraft please?
Can i have a jet or black hawk or something cool like that with my name some where by it? Plz and thank you.
i need a logo that says kiba & akamaru with a stickman rideing a wolf. asap please
can you make a blue and gold chinese dragon with Draco under it
Can i have something to do with either Halo or Star Trek, with my name underneath, thank you ;)
can you plz make me a logo with a guy with a mp-5 and my name underneath