Tell me what you want and be patient i could take a bit. I'll make a list if i get alot of requests. Thanks
can i have a pinaplle?
Please make a Link with Navi around it with Master of Link in gold letters under it please? You would be so cool then :D!
can i have one?
can i have a roman helmet that says recee7987 please
Erm, okay?
people i don't make them anymore
D: You didn't make mine. Okay, I request my username inside a ice cube.
DiamondIce could you please make my logo out of flashing heat switch and liquid crystal around the letters with a flaming skull head above it? thanks! :D
Diamondice, can i have a logo with jokers face (the guy from batman) and my name below it plz thanks
can i please have a breloom and my name? and two p[okeballs? thanks