Tell me what you want and be patient i could take a bit. I'll make a list if i get alot of requests. Thanks
can i have a logo that has a cat with the word Werecat under it plz.
I want the free to copy logo thing
Cna you make me one with a sword on top vetcaly
Can you make me a cyan blue sword with blood dripping off of it with blue ignition behind the handle?
Can i have a UB55 (UB glowing and 55 flashing) with a glowing outline round the whole thing like a bubble? please.
can u make me a logo that says cosmos112 and looks VERY electronic
can i have my name flashing with three bullets over it
And oh, if you did my logo you asked, you are promoted as CO-OWNER IN MY GROUP!
I want a glowing logo with a red bomb on the left with flame (It must not explode) with a name called "Bombers United"
please make for me a big sandwich whick is falling to a stickman