Tell me what you want and be patient i could take a bit. I'll make a list if i get alot of requests. Thanks
can you make my name almost in like bubble letters with electronics
i want a head with crosshairs over it and under it in flashing letters it says MLG
hay man can u make me 1 with a skull and have a raidio active theam to and can it have my name SkullBoy214 glowing plz thx
I would like one with awesome lightning Swirling woid effects with my name in the middle plz THNX :D
Can I please have a white pac-man GHOST with my name written underneath it?
can i have a f-22 rapter loaded with weapons and a realistic explosion on the sides and make sure the f-22 rapter is facing you like black hawk's logo
Can I have one with my Name Reno and have 2 colors on my name, half and half I want the top color Redish Orange and the bottom Kinda whitish red and I want flames that are Whitish red on top to. :D
make me cool logo plz) +1
um i havent been on for ages so i will now be taking requests
I want a logo. Suprise me.