Due to problems i can't explain my homepage isnt woking so ill be using this one untill it is back in working order.
im not communist,but if i did have my choice i would be.
hey soviet arms are you communist or do you want to be?
Coming Soon :D
yes i understand that,but they look alot alike so there would be almost no point to making a gun that looks similar :P and i dont know about all of those polish guns >.>
or the Polish Bor rifle. these are just some ideas im throwing out there. the Bor rifle was a Polish sniper rifle if i recall correctly. and no, the Remington 700 looks like the M4OA1 lol, that was first.
And the Croatian RT-20 Antimateriel sniper.
How bout the Polish WKW Wilk
I like you being bored :P Make me a sign ! I got a link to here on my page . lol
the M40A1 looks a lot like the Remington 700 so i might just do the M40A3.
sorry my bad, i meant teh M4OA1, this was the revolutionatry sniper that led to the creation on the M4OA3 sniper rifle. Belonged to teh USMC