16th Jul 2011
21st Jul 2011
Credit to lucky for the Amazing outline and firing mechanism, i did the art. Any improvements are appreciated. Thanks to kevgood12 for help on the ammo system.
its not that small is it?
maybe, and @jammy45, it was harder because lucky made the outline small so it was harder to add detail on a small object, usually i make a big outline but luck made this one
LOL on acedint i put user35 :P and hey heres a idea put filt infront and make it yellow and color it black so it would look like gold bullets
This is great but doesnt look as good as the other guns but still good
thats fine, cool! good luck
trust me its like 2 times this size and is going the other way.just sayin thats odd.
thatrs fine, just dont make it just like this, like same size or something where they will say i stole it
- started my own Ump 45 like 30 minutes ago....but it wont be out for like three days...
check your convos, and i have to say the firing mech and outline were amazingly great
hell yea it is i worked my ass off trying get the out line and the mech :P i thinking about doing another gun....