Logos are back! Put a request in the comments for a logo. I will start a new page soon so I will put a new one up.
y i need one
Sorry, I am no longer making logos....
Can you make like, my name in a box (Old greg) with A shoe next it and A bottle, each on diferent sides? If you could I will vote up and give credit.
it is done right now, if you don't like it, dont be shy, say it, and ill be glad to fix it :)
Bredan21 just wondering but when do you think mine will be finished?
Make me one with like a guy wiht a gold chain :D
sorry 12bcrawford i couldnt even make the body of the dragon :( sorry to say i gotta skip your order cuz its 2 hard 4 me
we should be partners
sorry if i answered late too i have been busy lately
ok first ill do samfiller's