3717 / 403
25th Aug 2010
17th May 2014
It's me, your president. Gonna be honest I'm most likely not going to do a second vault. If I do it will be a good while untill it gets completed because I have priorities. (you read this in President Edens voice) Ps. I deleted the pony sprite.
bunker fallout vault nuke realistic creative base deut bomb array


  • SuperJim99
    10th May 2014
    I made a soldier designer for this and I'm open for suggestions. It's id is 1533540
  • OrthogonalCaster
    9th May 2014
    wanou, I was doing exactly the asme!
  • wanou1
    7th May 2014
    /set tmp all 1
  • amtscout
    3rd May 2014
    @barxiatel thanks thats good to know
  • Braxiatel
    2nd May 2014
    @amtscout It's because of the pressure that the gas gives out when it's trying to diffuse.
  • amtscout
    2nd May 2014
    why is it when you put noble gas in the vault it disolves ps sorry for the spelling
  • Dorito_tRF
    1st May 2014
    challenge: combine the neut maker in the nuke with the deut without exploderizing it(like a nuclear reactor), and you can only delete, not place things
  • sentinal-5
    29th Apr 2014
    XD yep
  • cosmicguy
    28th Apr 2014
    Yes, the eternal obstacle of the comment character limit.
  • sentinal-5
    28th Apr 2014
    aaacccttuuuaaalllyyy.. the old target audience was little girls.. (roughly age 4-10) but i think G3 was targeting nobody at all... that.. *shudder* abomination deserved to be cast into the fires of hell.. G4 on the other hand was completeley remade as a family show. the only thing stopping it from being