Hello there! You seem to have some decent skills with powder toy, so if you would like, you can join the LAN club! To do so, just search user:dom2mom, and copy the LAN logo from any save. Also, if you want a personal logo, just comment on what you want in my logo maker save. Thank you!-Sincerly, dom2mom, president of the LAN club. P.S. If your wondering, no we're not just some random horrible club, one of your members actually has front page. Thank you for your time.
It's amazing now that you have commented and shown that you did not quit!!!!
thankyou tons (megatons "dohohohoho") for the support youve given me.
Im considering making another vault. its just been hard to conjure something new and original; you can expect a new vault in the near future.
Could you please make other saves like this one? That would be awesome. Thanks!
gbmb have you tried it on this map it's in exsplosives
Dude, this is one of the most addictingly, awesomely, amazing creations I have EVER seen. +999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
i just tested my nuke on this and it caved in. it was awesome.