It's me, your president. Gonna be honest I'm most likely not going to do a second vault. If I do it will be a good while untill it gets completed because I have priorities. (you read this in President Edens voice) Ps. I deleted the pony sprite.
I changed all the BMTL to IRON. It both looks more like the vaults in the game AND improves the strength.
thats not true! i play this game all the time!
fill with deut and fire with neuts for firing mah lazor :P
The maker does not PLAY anymore, neither does he even remember any of this -- I bet at least -- So stop asking!
Well duh lol. It is the "man" off fallout.Awsome game that was.
This is the standard to sooo many bunkers. Props to you man, Powder Toy Classic!
I added electricity and more lights with buildings but didn't publish. Cus I hate people who steal a map, upgrade it and then say they made the intire thing.
i don't think it's tintin i think it's the boy off Fallout
can i publish my edited version if i keep your tintin face and link it with your original after i give this a green vote?
i gave it armour, and stealth ability but not gonna publish it coz that would be taking credit of someoneelses hard work, but i would like to show you