10th Aug 2011
12th Nov 2011
this is the sword of alpha x added the backgroundand logos and editd the sword to make it look better and added the men monser's ext...wach in mode (9) for the secret message on your keybord
guy tell me u whant me to add stuff and what is shoud be
guy's sorry about that last messig it was for a nater project
gay tell me if u whant me to dad staff and what ok
This sword is too much for my rubidium-plutonium nuke! Good job on the awesome detail!
dang it! i ment to hit down!
if player vout down ill know if thers some thing bad so shut up and let player's vout up or down
it's against thr rules to mention anything about voting:p
armor7 what do u meen spam player's r ment to talk hear so stop i need to know what thay think so i can make it better
stop the spam!