This simple forge takes Molten ore and places it in a negative mold. * Use CTRL+R to rotate a stamp or copied item. If the save begins to run slowly, delete the ores at the bottom that you are not using to speed it up.
yea, i just wish they would make lead.
yep the glass products must me made while paused and "hand" cooled
I made some awsome swords, and weapons using this and stored them on my home page if you want to see them.
yea, its because the glass when moved froma new location will break and it leaves you with BGLA
To bad it doesnt work with glass very well.
I love how you can copypaste different lavas at once and have a sword made of an "alloy".
probably the most simple functions on PT haha
Wow, CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+V to paste. Not that hard, raed th directions when you first open your PT.
@darkfox496 press ctrl and shift at the same time and right click.
right click and 'draw' over the diamond