86 / 41
23rd Aug 2011
23rd Nov 2011
A battle between two of the strongest ships from each navy, you decide the winner!
russiarulez fpsrussia russian gocorvette britainftw asplodeboth usaalltheway


  • jklujm
    27th Aug 2011
    This is cool. Can you add more weapons?
  • Dwotci
    27th Aug 2011
    Uhh. Well, okay, I got that you don't have anything against Russia and Russians "just because", I got it now. I also did see that you said you have been to Russia, I just said that I didn't quite believe you. Actually, as you don't know Russian (you don't, right?), there is a possibility you just misunderstood what you saw and didn't understand what you heard. The dude who gave them gum, wasn't he... their father? So it's horrible to live in Russia because it's cold in the winter? Well, well, well. Try to survive a winter in NYC when you're homeless. It's about 20 F in January there, not that good too. Life is bad for homeless everywhere. If you have a home, it's totally okay as long you have warm winter clothes (all Russians have enough of them of course), because every building in cities is heated by a central heating, so it's warm and comfortable. In countryside houses are usually built with their own heating system. Nothing different from Scandinavia, Canada etc. Well, yeah, you're right, maybe I didn't understand something. But what anyways is the point in comparing military power of two countries which would never engage in a war? Russia's strong enough to cause some disturbation in international community, as seen in August 2008 in South Ossetia (it's not that I'm proud of that war, my opinion is that both sides were guilty, Georgia wanted to take SO back and attacked first, Russia's response was harsher than needed, so everyone was a bad guy). No-no, I meant that there always are Americans ready not to argue reasonably as you do, but just to shout "f**k Russia" and so on. Those Russians' Youtube videos may be incredibly professional, but if they are dissing other countries for no reason except some stupid pseudo-patriotism, they are dumbf**ks. Unfortunately, there are lots of such Russians, more than normal, open-minded people. Listen, what do you mean by poor? The lower middle class? Yeah, lower middle class is possibly the best term to describe large parts of country. But that's not poor. And, those who can't fund the country are the government, not the people. I don't quite associate myself with mr. Putin and its nice team of superprofessionals wishing only the best to Russia (the FSB is probably already on their way after me... nah, joking). >Your country makes alot of there military vehicles obviously because most parts of the country are extremely poor. I don't see any connection between these statements. Russian army makes some amount of new vehicles for themselves, we also have some contracts with India about building a carrier or smth, I don't remember, we still seel some of our new vehicles (mostly planes) to some countries, and, surprisingly for me, a year ago we ordered two warships from France (!) to be built for our navy. Things are getting better probably, but overall the situation is still bad. Buying tanks from the neighbouring countries? Well, the CIS countries don't produce much themselves, the Baltic states don't produce much too because they don't need to, they're members of NATO if anything, and with China we have lots of trade, maybe some military contracts are there too, I dunno. Cold War did mess this up, but remember what kind of good relations did Russia and the West had after the fall of the Soviet Union, in the 90s. The problem which stopped the coutries from closer relationship were the Republican administation in America combined with mr. Putin in Russia. Medvedev and Obama are trying to do something, and thing did get warmer, but still Putin and his team (and also the Republicans in the US) are preventing this. If Putin becomes president again in March 2012, I don't know what will happen, nothing good probably. Oh, and if the American army is better than the Russian, that doesn't mean that the USA is better than Russia. Countries aren't just tanks and soldiers. *an elegant head nod*
  • shroom207
    27th Aug 2011
    Interesting wall of words there but i'm sure within the next 10 minutes i will be posting this comment.And most likely you will reply back to me after i do so.And then we will end up doing this vicious cycle again.Thats why i hate arguing its pointless most of the time.But ok well lets get down to business. I have been to Russia before i know i stated that earlier and i know you saw it.Also yes children begging for food i should go into detail about that so you can understand better?I went to Moscow in the summer it was warm there.(78f)There were a few kids begging for food.But this guy gave them gum and they were happy about it.Also it is horrible to live in Russia thanks you basically pointed that out by saying that.Also yes 40% of them live in orphanages.Next paragraph... Ok about the nukes yes you do indeed make sense.But thing is when i said that whole us nuking thing earlier.It was only a statement an example you know?The Us or Russia will never start a war with each other.Like you said it would be a apocalypse.Plus well it would be pointless they would just end up destroying each other.Once again i will state this my point of this argument is not about war or any of that... Understand? Also about the whole size factor i'm not frightened.But yes being afraid of a big country is dumb but some people still do it.Its pointless and dumb size means nothing. Ok about the people thing i seen hundreds of people on youtube that are Russians.Most of there videos involves weapons like flamethrowers tanks miniguns and such.Yet there actually quite professional about what there doing.So i would not call them dumbf**ks or red necks.Also yeah when ever people start saying American is evil or dumb.There will always be people like me ready to argue with them for a week or to.Also yes as you can see holy war is right.Look at this page... Thats another reason why i hate arguing.Next paragraph... Not all of Russia is poor but some big chunks of the country are.Yet with all that money you guys cant fund the entire country.Which leads to certain parts of the country being extremely poor.With homeless children everywhere... And homeless people everywhere.And it also leads to a less advanced military... Your country obviously needs a big fund for its huge size.But countries can buy or make military vehicles.Your country makes alot of there military vehicles obviously because most parts of the country are extremely poor.Instead of making the vehicles from ancient tank parts go and buy tanks made by your neighboring countries.Oh wait i forgot you cant do that... Its pretty obvious why... I'm not a enemy of Russia i dont have any problem with you guys.But well i wish you guys could get better funding i hate seeing your country like it is X_X Also yeah i wish they were allies as well but the cold war kinda messed that up >_> Also no i'm not really trying to prove the u.s is better than Russia because well i dont have to.The us military is already better in a way.But sigh once again thats not the point you constantly keep saying stuff like that and making me respond like this and making it looks like i hate Russia or something. *Puts arm on stomach area and bows down*
  • Dwotci
    27th Aug 2011
    Uh, arguments on the internet, what could be better. Shroom, I highly doubt you have ever been to Russia. Children begging for food and gums, really? This is another stereotype about poor countries. Children beg for food only in places where it's actually horrible to live, where there's an actual hunger, like Somalia. Could you please tell me in what city/town have you been while in Russia? Where did you see those children? Well? Homeless children are sure not the case in Russia, most of them live in orphanages (life there isn't that good, of course, but better than on the streets). It's actually quite impossible to survive the winters on the streets even in temperate regions like Moscow etc. Once again, about nukes. If the US does deliver a nuke on its faster plane, Russia will just nuke its opponent, the US will answer etc. And vice versa. America and Russia will never start a war, because any of them knows that the nukes could fly at any moment, and that means apocalypse. Once again, about size. Being afraid of a country because of its territory is plain stupid. I mean, look at Canada. It's so big and vast, second after Russia. Are you frightened? Once again, about people. The Russians you see on Youtube are just dumbf**ks, a Russian version of rednecks. There's a plenty of those in America too. I mean, every time such Russian starts shouting something about how America is so bad and evil, there are always people ready to shout the same things about Russia, which always ends up in a huge holywar. What, every country has idiots, what can we do about it? Nothing. Also, did you just say Russia can't afford most modern vehicles? Gosh. Russia makes billions of dollars on oil trade (which, unfortunately, is about 80% of our economy). The problem isn't in money, the problem is that nobody cares in current government, and though new planes and tanks are constantly being created in Russia (look it up, it's actually true), everyone is too lazy to start modernizing the army. Our politicians are mostly just populists, corruption is everywhere. It's not about money. My arguing with you has nothing in common with those guys. I'm not an enemy of America, I like your country, I like the Western culture and I sincerely wish Russia and America were allies or at least close friends. I argue not about which country will win the hypothetical war and is overall stronger etc, but I argue about you having a wrong opinion on Russia. You are trying to somehow prove that the US is "better" than Russia. I'm not trying to prove the opposite. *raises hat*
  • ChicN-Freak
    27th Aug 2011
    Cry me a river... nah rofl. I don't think the misleadation of anyone is that big of an issue :D If people want to learn about World War Whatever they can happily search the internet for that info. Rofl :D
  • shroom207
    26th Aug 2011
    @shrO_Om96 I use the name shroom207 on pretty much every single game i play.And i do deserve it actually if you dont like me and thats what you think.Thats your opinion and problem.Also i know plenty no need im far past the 3rd grade actually. @Dwotci I will once again say this Russia is a very poor country no matter what you throw at me you will never change my opinion.I have been to Russia several times and i have seen children on the streets begging for food.This one guy we saw gave them a piece of gum and they were extremely happy.Yeah just a simple piece of gum made them happy.But yeah seriously homeless children wow your country has made a accomplishment my dear boy.Also yeah that is true having more nukes does not matter that much... But remember Russia is a poor country so the us has better planes.Better planes=the nuclear bomb getting delivered more quickly to the target.Also yeah size means nothing but people still look at your country on a map and feel frightened.Even though they shouldent... Because 70% of Russias military vehicles are extremely old.Russian soldiers are not very well trained as well... Also i dont consider Russia a evil empire lol.My point of this argument is because i see Russian people constantly all over youtube and tpt saying they can destroy the us in a war.In which they cant because there a poor country they cant afford most vehicles within this decade... "You're no better than those Russians in these comments shouting "America sucks, America sucks", you behave exactly the same, just on the opposite side of the barrier raised by no one else but you. Carry on, private." Your arguing with me so your no different... Have a good day sir...
  • Dwotci
    26th Aug 2011
    Shroom, goddamnit -_- You actually are just insulting a country for no reason. Once again, Russia's not poor. There were serious problems with the quality of life in the 90s, but now the situation is much better. About the "only" two advantages you mentioned: first, when two countries have over 2000 nukes, it doesn't matter which one has more; second, show me a clever person which feels "imitated" by the size of our country. Size means nothing, and we all know it. I mean, yeah, we're twice as big as China, but almost ten times less populated. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that you, Shroom, are basing your opinion on the decades-old perception of Russia as an "evil empire" (thanks mr. Reagan), which all normal Americans (yes, I mean liberals and especially Democrats) have already dropped. You've never been to Russia, you've never been to Moscow, you've never seen what this "poor communist evil country where people feed their pet bears with vodka and caviar while dreaming of world conquest" is actually like. You're no better than those Russians in these comments shouting "America sucks, America sucks", you behave exactly the same, just on the opposite side of the barrier raised by no one else but you. Carry on, private.
  • shrO_Om96
    26th Aug 2011
    shroom207 you do not deserve the title of shroom, go start WWIII somewhere else. Also, why dont you actually try learning about something before you go talking like you are an expert, getting educated past the third grade level is important these days, you could mislead someone.
  • shrO_Om96
    26th Aug 2011
    you said they feel imitated, what the h3ll is that supposed to mean, intimidated?
  • shroom207
    26th Aug 2011
    Have a good day