174 / 19
29th Aug 2011
27th Sep 2011
My sixth attempt at a liquid fuel rocket engine. Not meant to be accurate. Added hydrogen and fuse powder fuels. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments
fusion plasma powder fuse hydrogen automatic rocket oxygen electronic engine


  • zt14427
    26th Oct 2011
    I honestly dont like this. You are mixing together 3 fuels in a bowl and igniting them. Very Inneficient too.
  • Tommymmot
    11th Sep 2011
    lol sorry i havent been on in a while
  • cctvdude99
    9th Sep 2011
    You need to fix your 'auto' mode. Do you never test your own creations? :P
  • Tommymmot
    5th Sep 2011
    @Mushroom thanks i will fix that
  • Mushroom
    3rd Sep 2011
    It ignites itself if you add fuel after a first use.
  • Muffindog
    3rd Sep 2011
    This is the COOLEST thing i ever got!
  • zt14427
    3rd Sep 2011
    I feel like I could get the same result by making a bowl, adding portal-in to the bottom, adding gunpowder to the bowl, and lighting the portal-out
  • zt14427
    3rd Sep 2011
    Please make it so that the combustion isn't right on the teleporter. To add realism, add the tanks to the rocket, and don't use teleporters.
  • cctvdude99
    2nd Sep 2011
    Just posting here, as it's likely to be seen by the noob if he looks at this.
  • cctvdude99
    2nd Sep 2011
    Some noobfag called kapiq<numbers here> just accused me of stealing on one of my rocket engines. I'm wondering if he thinks I stole this, but if you check it, it's really not stolen. He downvoted too :(