an i join? i am a friend of Sn4perLazer and am huge dr who fan!!! Tennant is a god
Id like to just update you on the Pixel Club latest news!, Pixel Club are gonna be down for sunday to sort out bugs :(, but the good thing for you is in The Big Pixel Club Switch Off we will just turn your club off for a bit and make it way better! we will neaten up your homepage!
make your club a database on our system so you can manage files more easily!
and make you a bunch of new logos
and help you get members!
if you want to help just simply send a convosation to me and tell us what day you can do down for!
it doesnt evan have to be a whole day!
just a few hours for our leaders to neaten it up!
the people doing it will be mainly leaders and artists will fix up your homepage and leaders will get advertisment and managers will create the database!
you will hopefully enjoy doing it and you will definatly like the result!!!
and whats more
you can choose ANYTHING you want and we can do it!
Sign me up please! My logo is the F15-Pilot Designs one on most of my saves.
363380 is the code to the page that my logo is on its a green mushroom in the top right corner
yes i do-by the way do you know the daleks are the #1 enimy of the doctor?
sure one question do you have a logo
hi im powderdroids twin brother my name is joel his name is riley we love doctor who can we please join your fantastic club we know all the enimies and have seen every episode
can i please join im a really big fan of doctor who.