The only true switches I understand is SCRAM and Meltdown-the latter is self-explanitary, SCRAM is short for Secruity Control Rod Axe Man,which is the sorta-emergency button
Thanks helped me for my class presentattion
It unfortunately doesn't include the Chernobyl incident, probably because it happened a few years after the book was written (The book was from 1978)
The book talks about a nuclear bomb slipping accidentally from an airplane and landing in an American's backyard, as well as the Windscale No.1 incident, Kosmos 954, a story about nuclear material black market stuff, an incident where a truck spilled dozens of containers of yellowcake, the Browns Ferry reactor fire (My favorite, everyone at the reactor was unprepared to deal with the incident), and a nuclear landfill northwest of the Caspian in Soviet Russia exploding. I'm sure there's more. :D
Luckyfoot, if you don't know how reactors work, you should learn. There's probably lots of information. I also recommend a book called "The Day the Bomb Fell on America" by Clyde W. Burleson.
I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work properly (Without destroying everything)