2868 / 348
17th Dec 2010
4th Mar 2018
Sorry for this massive wait! Im back. Couldn't work on it because i am not allowed on computers usualy, but i manage to finish this week. Just spark the red ON button, It is FULL AUTOMATIC, and for the other buttons spark the gray handle.
reactor nuclear power powerplant fission realistic deut plant kilroy notfusion


  • mount2010
    7th Jun 2015
    The only true switches I understand is SCRAM and Meltdown-the latter is self-explanitary, SCRAM is short for Secruity Control Rod Axe Man,which is the sorta-emergency button
  • DanSoFab
    3rd Jun 2015
    Thanks helped me for my class presentattion
  • TheArchitect
    29th May 2015
  • TheArchitect
    29th May 2015
    (I don't care)
  • TheArchitect
    29th May 2015
    i love it
  • REI0013
    18th May 2015
    how do you work this??
  • F03K
    17th May 2015
    It unfortunately doesn't include the Chernobyl incident, probably because it happened a few years after the book was written (The book was from 1978)
  • F03K
    17th May 2015
    The book talks about a nuclear bomb slipping accidentally from an airplane and landing in an American's backyard, as well as the Windscale No.1 incident, Kosmos 954, a story about nuclear material black market stuff, an incident where a truck spilled dozens of containers of yellowcake, the Browns Ferry reactor fire (My favorite, everyone at the reactor was unprepared to deal with the incident), and a nuclear landfill northwest of the Caspian in Soviet Russia exploding. I'm sure there's more. :D
  • F03K
    17th May 2015
    Luckyfoot, if you don't know how reactors work, you should learn. There's probably lots of information. I also recommend a book called "The Day the Bomb Fell on America" by Clyde W. Burleson.
  • luckyfoot
    9th May 2015
    I'm still trying to figure out how to make it work properly (Without destroying everything)