Four cylinder, four-stroke Engine. Might backfire (rare). No Start/Stop because lazy.
I think a power swich should be added.
Yes. ,
has jojobond quit???
JoJoBond you should my a hotel because you would be good at the art part of makeing a hotel which is the mane part of makeing a hotel
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...such as PUMP, was first used by me, in my 2-stroke DESL engine. Currently, most of my engines use this concept to simulate pressure changes. I like it that JoJoBond added them, as it adds realism.
Bobsterman123: Not years, but... Anyway, this is probably one of the first actual visualisations of pistons "moving" (sparkjet made a few not-so-good ones). Other piston representations...
@theguitarguy not the first but nothing to similar has been made for years
pretty nice visualization...wouldnt have thought of it. +1