And the save you made isn't rocket anymore, it's a jet.
Oh yeah, I know how a jet engine works. :P But this is a rocket engine.
Hi cctvdude99, please check my save: "Rocket Engine for cctvdude99". Thank-you! :)
Hi cctvdude99. I know the inner workings of a jet engine. First of all is an intake, which pulls in fresh air. Second is a compressor, which pulls in air through the intake port and compresses it for use in the combustion chamber. Thirdly is the combustion chamber, which takes in fuel(s) and ignites them. The thrust produced from the combustion chamber drives the fourth part, the turbine wheel, which spins fast from the igniting fuel and is connected to the compressor wheel. So in turn, the turbine spins the compressor wheel. That's off the top of my head. It would be great if you can make an engine according to this. Also, I used H2 instead of LO2. EGT is around 200degrees hotter but produces more thrust.
using boyle would make the rocket more powerfull as it would expand when heated, you should add expantion chamer after the combustion chamber where the boyle would be added
lol, try injecting it near the bottom of the rocket?
Not working very well... For some reason WATR just pours out of the exhaust. O_O
therocketeer: I might replace the OIL with H2 - testing now.
add hydrogen into the fuelmix, it makes it hotter ;) epic rocket dude.
Lol, OK, Mr. Fast-Driver :P