BAHAHAHAHA see what anger and boredom does to me?!?!
i actually should be teaching surfcash first.but i dont think he really needs my help.because he is amazing already lol xD
dude im convoing him you cant tell me hes teaching u first because i asked first...
I'm sure SovietArms will tell me his descision himself.
Hes teaching me first.... then u next...
SovietArms, would you mind teaching me the basics for shading stuff as such?
Thanks man! :D
sure lol
do u mind removving that little note becasue thats still kinda pissing me off XD
yea my grandad did that.... :| hey man convo me i am always willin to learn as long as the teacher is not stubborn lol XD
Hey man understand how you feel,but i honestly have had it worse,not trying to start something but i have.seeing as my father killed himself.but its cool man,you just gotta get a way to get your anger out