77 / 33
13th Oct 2011
22nd Oct 2011
This is a bomb that was made out of dust and extremely compressed singularity, this will detonate anything you put around it! :D
seenxbetter brotherhood spanish didntkilldimd weaksause bomb pixel club


  • thrice
    15th Oct 2011
    this is like the one i have in my saves only mine glows cause of the dust.
  • Sylvi
    15th Oct 2011
    not going to un-publish unless there's a save ID. If I can't find the original then the report is ignored.
  • Explosivo15
    15th Oct 2011
    what the hell, its not stolen, I just throught id show everyone how this works in a fun way. I didn't go to a particular save and type: ctrl+C, and paste it into my save. seriously man don't get all upset.
  • numberonedbzfan
    15th Oct 2011
    this is stolen... this is exactly the same explosion the singularity bomb makes. u just painted it over
  • Explosivo15
    15th Oct 2011
    i made some improvements, I got rid of the metal and the dust and replaced them with singularity, so now the bomb isnt burdened by metal and dust, and now is twice as destructive!! :D
  • badwolf16
    15th Oct 2011
    It doesn't detonate paste thats pu around it. It just melts it.
  • peaceoutwhat
    15th Oct 2011
    ive made many sing bombs never even thought of adding shrapnel good idea
  • Explosivo15
    15th Oct 2011
    cuz people thought it was interesting, everything has been done before, some people just get luckier than others...
  • thunder999
    15th Oct 2011
    It's just sing with its tmp set high and life set to 0 using the console, this was done ages ago, why is it now worthy of front page just because someone decided to do it again?
  • Explosivo15
    15th Oct 2011
    hey everybody check out MagicMushroom's M134 Minigun, let's help him get it to the front page! Thanks guys. :D