BWR type nuclear reactor. Fully manual. Destuctable. Pleas read the forum post "BWR Nuclear Reactor" for operaating instructions.
also, it would be best to release your operating instructions, and maybe put a automatic mode, like making a timer system and stuff. that would be quite cool!
ok then, i have seen your other saves, and i cant help to be impressed :D also, it seems the reactor is very awesome!!! this should be on frontpage. i guess you might need to do some deco work.
There's nothing to hide, really. Inverters and multipliers is'nt my inventions. )
also, you might want to hide the electronics, you know, to prevent people stealing stuff. a good way t do that is to fit all of them together and put your verson sign thingy over them :D
good job! i saw all the improvements that you have made for you nuclear reactor, and i am quite impressed!!! i guess all you need now is to do some finishing touches, like reworking the controls a bit to
"SV" - "safety valve open" indicator. If it's lit - the reactor is EXTREMLY overheat or damaged beyond repair.
what is SV?
Overrides panel reworked. Stay tuned and thanx! Den.
Updated to v0.96. "AUX cooling" system trigger reworked.
nice! i hace seen the insulater, you could cover that with deco if you want. the reactor is quite good! please keep me updated on your procces as you move along,