62 / 9
21st Oct 2011
30th Jun 2012
BWR type nuclear reactor. Fully manual. Destuctable. Pleas read the forum post "BWR Nuclear Reactor" for operaating instructions.
bwr complex reactor realistic plutonium nuclear neutron radioactive electronic 1222


  • peterpacz1
    29th Feb 2012
    also, a good idea is to put some insulator at the top cap, the steam keeps recondensing on it. adding more insulaters will make the reactor more heat efficent and generate more power
  • peterpacz1
    29th Feb 2012
    also, you may want to put a generator near the main steam pipes, and a control that indicates if you are generating power. other then that, your save is awesome!
  • peterpacz1
    29th Feb 2012
    ah nice! the pressure is now regulated and i liked the new style of the controls. you could also put some warning lights around the wall of the save, so when it scramms they will light up
  • den_koshkin
    29th Feb 2012
    I've reorgainzed the controls and added the WATER LOW warining.
  • den_koshkin
    28th Feb 2012
    Peter, thank you very much!
  • peterpacz1
    28th Feb 2012
    one last thing, idk where this comes from but the reactor seems to have low pressure, idk if that is good but plz imporve. this is my favorite save so far
  • peterpacz1
    28th Feb 2012
    a normal NPP is typicaly >200 <400 degrees celius when it is operating
  • peterpacz1
    28th Feb 2012
    also, can you make it so it has a automatic startup system, to spare us all the hassel in operating it :D i liked the automatic SCRAM system alot, but your reactors temperature is too low
  • den_koshkin
    27th Feb 2012
    Instructions on the way. I'm fine tuning the controls.
  • peterpacz1
    27th Feb 2012
    very nice reactor! but the problem is we got no operating instructions at all -_- and that the temperatures are not high at all, you should increase the plutonium capatcity and also make it generate more he