140 / 23
24th Oct 2011
30th Mar 2012
Thanks for purchasing our car! Here is some instructions: 1) Starter (ON/OFF engine) ; 2) Pedals (Small-accelerate,Big-brakes); 3) Conditioner (1 spark ON, 1 spark OFF) ; 4) Washer ; 5) Lights (ON/OFF) Hope, you will like it! Drive safety! Good Luck!
car vehicle engine oil suzuki real motor piston sx4 conditioner


  • cctvdude99
    1st Nov 2011
    Xenocide: Oi, you, DESL isn't petrol, is it? Big difference. I'll get you for that.
  • Xenocide
    31st Oct 2011
    DESL is there for a reason :P
  • cctvdude99
    31st Oct 2011
    If I code it myself and manage to get enough uses for it... You could see petrol in a PT version near you soon. ;D
  • cctvdude99
    31st Oct 2011
    Also, I've been working on getting us some petrol/gasoline in TPT for a while now. I'm hoping they'll give in eventually. ;)
  • cctvdude99
    31st Oct 2011
    Somehow I doubt OIL is actually propane... I'll ask the devs.
  • NUKEer
    31st Oct 2011
    I dont like a diesel cars, so i made my working on oil. If in future, in powder will be petroll, i will make my car with it. Thanks for recommendation clst, i will make it in future modification.
  • NUKEer
    31st Oct 2011
    heh , in real , cars realy can run on propane, try to search it in internet, a little modification of petrol runing car can change it to propane car. Its very popular modification ,in Russia ,for example.
  • fatcat00
    31st Oct 2011
    use clst for dirt it comes off with watr
  • fatcat00
    31st Oct 2011
    put desl, cars dont run on propane(oil)!
  • BlueAmulet
    30th Oct 2011
    i ligh nuked it.