Does what it says on the tin. Make a bomb and test it here to see if it's any good. Have fun with it! :D
@nousernamefound it is layers of elements not walls
Proton bombs be like: am i a joke to you?
how to destroy all layers- step #1 cover the top in lava. step #2 put some virus on top.
I broke it on the first try. I used DEST and BOMB in a glass ball anc lit it with a fuse. It broke through all the layers. I win :-D
um, the person below the person below, nothing can destroy walls...and if you find something that ACTUALLY destroys walls tell me :p
+1 My bomb ripped through every layer! when i was a noob, this seemed indestructible, but I finally came up with a strong enough bomb to make it through iron!
i think i have it again the bomb that has the power to pierce diamond and walls in a split second
well the strongest bomb cam pierce through walls of the indestructable wall but it dosent work anymore i think a update destroyed it
My newest bomb looks tiny, like breach charge but never underestimate it, when you press the red button on C-10, instant suicide.
My newest bomb produces 2 huge beams of high life LIGH that ignites and blows up metals and flammable materials before sending out a blast of superheated soap beams, neutrons and extreme energy.