29th Oct 2011
27th Dec 2012
No Description provided.
and it's impossible for an electron to travel in a straight line, the orbital spin would completetly dissmantle it's trajectory, and gas + electrons = antimatter? No, an isotope octane
And how does an electron become a photon? Glass would be the most unstable compound in the world if it generated photons from electrons, any revolving electron would turn into photons
Electrons can't "cool" things because they contain plenty of energy and if anything, the kinetic energy from collision would generate heat. Why would an electron perform electrolysis?
absolutely nothing about electrons in this, they need to reolve around matter and are also responsible for magentism neither of these can be impanted with ease and what you said doesnt evenmake sense?
VodkaX: Yea, but the idea will never be added. Tough carp - that's life.
Nice! this is cool, but I have no use for this extra knowledge.
wow reached over 50 vote-ups
Photon and electron mackes hydrogyn not newtrons. AND PHOTON+ELECTRON+NEWT-RON MAKES HEAVY HYDROGYN WHICH MAKES STARS
i mean ligh
when hit metal creats hot realistic thunder