HI there all! this is a group lead by epicksl that creats high quality logos in record time! We ARE taking requests!!! However, I am PRIVATELY asking people to join this group SO DO NOT ASK.
epick, just saying, but I noticed that you sort of mispelled Poporl...
thanks ill post them on the logo making page
i made it.its from the request u gave me
hello what did u want me 2 do
put my newest logo on there please !!!!
sure playstation look on my logo making page on the waiting list and make some of them if u want to help me out to...
can i do the flashing stuff
sure sure element ...also pixel club!! we are NOT an official group on the forums!!! heck im at my group limit too! who isn't? we are completely official group free!
soz cant join on groups, i i've reaached maximum groups limmit
hey i like the logo but id rather keep my old one ok