this is my 5th engine, made to be fast and small! P.S. THANKS FOR FRONTPAGE!!!! this is my 3rd frontpage!
Well deserved front page save!
im so close to frontpage guys!
vote and suggest things guys!
time is longer than urs belcause the cyclinder is bigger and use wifi if possible gotogo talk to u tomorrow i havegot homework though might be a bit slow im out
ok what are the time incraments on the engine?? should it be wifi or inst??
make the eletronics but can they please be different also make the fan and i will do the shape and exaust pipe
oh ok! how can i help on the engine??
i wont use them anymore i will make my own
i have given you credit i was the first person to i will change the eletronics for my engine a bit too thanks
uh...ok could u please give me some credit??