Finally its here, after much attempts to create a bank of my own(some of you will know) So after much negotiation Kevgood12(we will mis you..) he put me in charge of A.X. bank, so here it is... well coming soon Enjoy A.X. members only
yeah but we cant have it its copyright really we came up with tpt bank
so if ur so big and nothing cans top you then just go away AX may of copied i dont know but if ur soo great it wont matter having this little club that MAY of copied
no disrespect to ax
nope your not im gonna finish it.pixel club is older and bigger alpha x is and no disrespect to ax we have every thing from e-mail to a full website we spend money on getting it good were better
im just saying one person could come up with the same idea
m could come up with the same idea, you started this whole thing so im going to finnish it
on one of the what and pixel club beats 200 users and theres a waiting list of 50
Dude Alpha X has been up for two years, no disrespect to PC but ALpha X has been up longer, and just because somthing looks the same as PC doesnt mean they copied it, there are 9000 users one of the
a yeah nearly it started march