32 / 22
25th Nov 2011
4th Jun 2012
This smart car is a sequel to my Subaru Outback car. This smart car was contributed to by Johno, Eminem4king, emmien, and me!-----Dedicated to our former leader lug who was banned in the development of the first pixel car
pixelclub car smartcar e4klikesthis riplug awesomness whybanned


  • fink
    30th Nov 2011
    i know right
  • epicksl
    30th Nov 2011
    you guys make me sick. Powder IS made for great machines and such....but what is the point if it looks like crap??? pixel club is not just for art! it is made for those that excell in working pixel by pixel, like in electronics! what is the point of a car that looks like shit? what is the point of a distiller if it is bulky and cumbersome?? i am outraged at what tpt is becoming....in my single year on tpt, ive seen things deteriorate INCREDIBLY. so all you haters out there, learn to use tpt how it was intended, make effective, good looking machines, bombs, electronics, whatever......MAKE SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T HURT TO LOOK AT!!!!! >:(
  • Bobby941
    30th Nov 2011
    TESTIFY vittorio!!!!!
  • eminem4king
    30th Nov 2011
    its not just art!
  • emmien
    30th Nov 2011
    see the voting and reporting rules to see and we cant stop people in the team voting and if we all vote they got about 12 and then front page and then more people saw them and more votes! and every team project with a biggish team will get front page really
  • emmien
    30th Nov 2011
    ok fink we get your point and it is not the cars that kinda get it frontpage all these team things get votes as every one in the team votes but its against the rules to say not to vote!
  • epicksl
    30th Nov 2011
    ok i guess we agree to disagree. =) good that is a reasonable soltion!
  • fink
    30th Nov 2011
    no they're not bad... i just don't like it because it's practically four of the same thing but yeah i see your point
  • epicksl
    30th Nov 2011
    ok i see ur point, but i only made 4, and im done now. not my fault these got front!!!!! also, if they are so bad, then why are thy front??? (i know the quality of frontpage saves has gone down though)
  • fink
    30th Nov 2011
    im not hating just if you have almost the same thing for every one it's not very interesting when i go and see three cars that do the same freaking thing