25th Nov 2011
23rd Nov 2012
here is the third car in the pixel club's amazing car series!!!
we must make him delete the red glow or give credit!
darker gray (almost invisible) look @ 'working car' grey instead of blue
epicksl look at that other car you were just commenting on, like those windows
they go grey when put down
you should make the window gray so that it loks like it is open
cool it now exeletates when you start tho you heated the wrong one but its cool like that
1 more set of lights, and then ill repost!!!!!
i did it!
nope i know it but theres no channels... what you must du is heat the 2 wifis that are already at 5 on the speedometer up to the next highest wifi channel simple to fix but i gtg out can you du it tell me if u cant i have 5 mins
thanks so much.....im good at art, decent engines, gun mechs, and simple electronics....but that speedometer is way above my level!