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Now make it stop!
If you don't have a system that allows it to stop, then people will start choking.
whats up with that bit of fan on the bottom of the screen
or just type !set ctype pcln watr
hi, i made a smoke detector like this but it uses water, please lookup smoke detector h2o. thank you
Pretty interesting, though as Moonkey said, that gas will still kill you! When a fire occours in a persons house most people die from the smoke, rather than fire. Still nice!
I think the ironic thing is, that it puffs smoke out to put out flames. Kill the trapped person in the house will ya. xD
The ironic thing is, with this if you put gas inside of it it'll explode and become a flamethrower
Smoke dectectors use a tiny bit of Americium
@bobsterman: You can make realistic detectors, all you need is a laser that gets interrupted by the smoke. that would simulate the electron eam emitted by the isotope.