the saturn 5 brought the first astronaughts to the moon. this save commemerates the greatest vehicle ever built!
As a NASA fan, I like it. But as a self-admitted asshole about the English language, I'd like to point out that it's 'lunar module', not 'modual'.
houston we have a problem a piece of metal was above our rocket, we can now only go reversed. (btw nice made)
i think that good guns are not bad. guns made out of clone, bomb, and wall, are not worthy of looking at. as for bombs, i made a couple bomb saves to be thourough in my tpt saves.
Ok, thank you, epicksl.
And, btw, 12 of your simulations are bombs and guns ;)
kk. sry. ill take the advice. thanks
....Mine doesn't consist of guns and bombs.....And anyways, just put it in a nicer way next time to other people. That's pretty much all what I'm gonna say, unless you counter that.
because tpt is falling apart. half of what is made are stupid bombs and guns that spew dest
I know you make good simulations, I have to admit, but why would you say that to others?
And I just know it :)