63 / 16
5th Jan 2012
9th Jan 2012
She was badly damaged by a Japanese air attack in March 1945, with the loss of over 800 of her crew, becoming the most heavily damaged United States carrier to survive the war.
ship bombing thatsinsane godjob whocool stephane209likes sprkonthefly


  • Meee
    4th Mar 2014
  • 987tails
    14th Feb 2014
    i hear you halsy i know that the japenese commited suicied by crashing into carriers- its was brutal and disturbing
  • Nurgle33
    31st Dec 2013
    if she was delbirately bombed, i would'nt call it in accident. i would call it an incident
  • RCAProduction
    21st Aug 2013
    Here is what happened. In 1945 she was hit by a Japanese bomb, which killed 800 of her crew. She was the most damaged Essex-class ship to survive the war.
  • robogeek537
    20th Mar 2013
    Jon, don't ask for votes. Wow, i sound like a mod. (no offense, really!!!)
  • Jon1998
    1st Oct 2012
    madcat and kurt are right not an accedent. this is what you get when we wage war on the japanese in 1941. now this would not happen A: the japanese air force has been cut to a 4th of what it was back then B: An aircraft carriers radar would see an aircraft miles out and the thy would scramble jets to intercept. not hating on you work just the name. good job on the aircraft carrier. vote up from me.
  • fatcat00
    7th Apr 2012
    just saying put a protective layer of cnct for dest, 3 layers will completely stop it 50% of the time and 1 layer with everything else will minimize damage from 25%to 45%-think about that for a second
  • patorex
    12th Jan 2012
    WoW!! +10000!
  • Halsey
    11th Jan 2012
    Just like any unlucky, well dropped bomb:) No vessel may not be perfect:)
  • fatcat00
    11th Jan 2012
    i can do that amount of damage to your ship with 1 well placed PIXEL of dest that made it to the place with the ton of fireworks and ignited then and the thermite then broke a HUGE hole in it................