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coOl nIce goOd wOrk
thank you for who ever taged "gravnotworking"
@ tryed its too hard to get the right effectbecause the jet makes its own current and if i disturb that current everything goes awall
istead of using wall or the thust vectoring use pump
not bad but the flame on this is massive! a jet engine doing this would not be aloud to fly lol xD
what is the point in the DMND block behind the writing? It just gives a bigger lag. Otherwise this is awesome!
hey~ htat was so good controling the thing, like this =)
@Daniel219 i'm sure you'll get your chance, @ Thomas4898 thank you, @CallyFTW it was m-shinoda's idea,@lillepallt i tryed as hard as i could to make the engine realistic but...
7th? I dont even have one... :'( +1 anyways because its good.
Excelent. If I could pay you, I would. It's people like you that make this world turn. Lol it's good but it won't change the world.