Post your name in the comments and i will add you to the group ! :D make sure to use the logo in your saves
they are recruit signs not vote up ones
There not vote up signs
now I am Lockheadmartin " Remove green arrow " >(
xoreoz if you can then try :)
That is a good idea I could make the page a little more smaller.
hmmm..thats a good idea but we dont have much space on the page
may i recomend having symbols? like for the diffrent possitions:new recuits, oldies, coleader, leaders and so on
flaming_monocle, i will tell him to give you credit.... m3mggl i removed you.. Le-Fox i added a online/ofline button :)
graffstar, you might wanna put in one of those 'online/offline' buttons on this save so that we know when to talk to you
did anyone see the logos i made for our group? it took a lot of time!