In space you have lots and lots sorts of stars. This are only twoof them. red hypergiants are the most seen stars. Blue hypergiants are in a less number than redones but a blue hypergiant is 20 times stronger.
@JM697796 A purple star is possible. Just look google earth xd.
Jremigio, there is hypergiants too, e.g. VY Canis Majoris
I'm working on a new star that is purple, I'm not sure if you can get purple stars in the universe, but it still looks cool and it will take a long time to finish.
It's Supergiant, not Hypergiant.
push 3 to make the stars twinkle
The red one looks a lot better when the save is unpaused! Great work! +1
Nice it got front page :)
Nice i love astronamy
VY Canis Majoris, anyone?
wrong thought