16th Jan 2012
21st May 2012
I got tired of asking to sign up on an MMORPG in tpt, so I gave up and made my own! To join, just ask Sign{class} and I'll put you in. Credit to NukeEmAll for base design Max players:6 Don't be affraid to make your own armor! (till after improvements)
ATTACK m3mg!!!! ~Just bought new staff in shop please check out Oats if you already have not~
And I want to train in the trees
As long as the monsters are of resonable quality and you don't parading around avertising them without permission I'll let you do it. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea =)
what do you think about my idea?
i want to attack RedBaron
I have good idea :). I can do for you a page with monsters( their hp, strong, itc)and you will put it here.
I want to train in the woods.
You can I either train in the woods or attack another player, but I strongly suggest the first option at your lv. Don't forget to buy items for xp gain =)
how to get highter level?
thanks :)