If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
how do you guys like the texture i made for the gun??? plz comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im thinking about finishing this gun. (date off comment- 10/10/13 10:22pm)
the mech works fine. there are no bugs that i see. i think you have the gun on semy auto. spark the settings twice to get full auto.
another gun that breaks when you reload before out of ammo, great, i made one tht doesnt do that, it was my first save too
fp man +1
ya ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
sry im no longer doing that
Please check your logo stuffer. The comment below is almost 5 months old.
nice gun, cool model aswell