If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
lol its 10:00, i realy need to go to bed.
hey spazz ima go 2 bed or at least go laydown for a while probobly fall asleep so if u post somtin ill look at it 2morrow if i get on well me and my brother take turns on teh xbox soo ill be on 4 like 1 hr then be off 4 an hr and so on soo goodnite
lol il check it out.
cha cho ? hey did u see my new hygn bomb i made it cuz some hater downvoted my old one and said he could do better, big mastake, its still terrible but better than his,oh wait he never made one LOL
no prob bro cha cho.
ty dude its awsome
ya you can, i made the logo for you.
so i can use it
well here's one. lol its ok for a 3 min logo.
but ty cuz ur logos r awsome