If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
i has 2 i made one and it sucks and said88 made the other one
and you need a logo. im gona make you a logo if you like it or not lol.
i made prox 5 guns on this save.
wow really just needed somtin 2 wrk on huh or did u make somtin over teh summer
lol this save been up sence last summer. it only got around 100 sence i started this.
dude tis allready has 2042 veiws! holy crap dude and my names on it! i might need to check my veiws and see if its making me popular
ahhh ok
yup i love the tabs and the customizable hud and indistructible ins and the list goes on and on
i use heat swich cuz it is not efected by presure and it cant melt.
oh hey u know how u got that heat switch as a grip u shuld put quarts there i just had it selected and it looks pretty cool and quartz has a very high melting point so u dont have 2 wry bout it melting and im just suggesting it