If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
ya i evin have it, its ok it freezes alot but it has sum cool stuff.
hey btw do u use jacob1s mod
yeah but im not gonna post if u dont want me 2 but if u dont mind could i keep it to show mi freinds and i will make shure they know who made it
lol groovy.
1043288 thers the save id
ya bro.
ok dude awsome and be4 i saw tis i made one im not gonna post it but can u at least look at it
well JUST THIS ONE, kk, ok lol
sry bro, i like to keep my guns to myself. lol not to be greedy but i just donte like other people useing my stuff.
hey i know on most of ur guns their really dark and i was wondering if i could make derp models of ur guns itl be the same guns but ill just make em relly funny looking ill still give u all the credit and wont let people copy it