If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
ok i got it now
ok im now stuck. No-1 i donte know where to add the mag, No-2 i cant figure out if i want a battery+mag/rale gun, or to mage a mag fed gun.
lol or else or il be mad and il never 4giv him, lol jk
He better be joking, or else.
i cant tell if you are joking or not. lol
this sucks
Maybe I should go back to making guns to compete with your awesomeness.
well its a start. if you want sum tips on how to make a good old styled bomb gun check this old save out, id:388432
donte take thisthe wrong way, but i donte know you lol. (and i will)
oh and btw thespazz can you check out my "Peewee Destroyer"?