If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
np i knew the baral is bad i usuley fix that last 4 it to mach the gun. and i see your point but ill work on it when the 1# outline is compleat. and ty
The forward part of the gun. Ok. I think the barrel should be a bit bigger. It looks as if its a .22 caliber rifle on a cm-901 stock and body. Srry.
ok people, if theirs sumthing you donte like or sumthing is not working with you. tell me, all opinions mater, the good and the bad.
ok im going to start on a dif gun now.
i thinking about posting it soon but i need to ad the malywan logo to it
I saw that the gun was functional, and my life was complete.
so people eneything i should ad? im open for your opinions.
now you can tibbtof
Ah okay then :)
ya but wate til its doon. im going to try to finish it today if i can