If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
if i was not clear enough, you may not use my group logo.
it looks cool. but still my swag. i will make something that is more fitting for you.
id:1467540 Idea club (FREEEDDOOOM!)
mmm ok but i just need to use it to make my club so ill change the ORCA thingy. (I am not joining or something)
sry bro. no can do. but if you need help with something, i could help
Umm can i borrow that "ORCA" sign? i want to change it to something for my club. Pleaaaseeee?
i am working on something with @Darkn1883r
What are you making? :) i am happy to help.
and yes. there is nothing to look at atm. (to all the people that are eager to throw your votes at me lol)
thx :p i am glan you like it XD