If you see something not working or you just dislike something Tell me and I'll see if can fix it I will not hold anything anenst you because of your opinion.
ummmm, did it EVER work? lol i spent 15min on it its all messed up. i think you need new mech lol (new as in dump the curent on lol)
972329 fix that mech for me, i just dont feel like it. I made it look beautiful... and the mech used to work... but Im too lazy to go back and fix it. Have it, claim it as your own, I just want it gone.
anny comments? i like comments!
and yes. i know the outline is sucky atm. i will fix it when the basic scech is done.
thx. lol. i hope you have fun with it :D
dang thats a nice lookin body
OK i havent been on for a while
there you go @fps. do what you want. it is now yours!
no. i dont have time for another shop atm. im gonna build you a gun body. (you get to keep the gut when its all done)