26th Feb 2012
2nd Jan 2013
THE END!!! V2 (would you enjoy) :)
SO FAKE!,dont believe him that is not going to happen
@kitty-katty-caity: Meteors don't burn up in the atmosphere, they're too big for that, learn your facts. Btw that only works for meteorites/mini-astroids that burn up.
this is a one in a million chance. Jupiter redirects most of the dangerouse meteors that catch in the suns gravitational pull, and those that makeit to earth desintergrate in the atmosphere.
its the end for most of the world
is is awesome
dont listen tot hem there just jelouse i think its awesome FYI and it would be better if astroid hit the moon more realistic
wtf.. the moon hits an asteroid and the it creates a meteour that goes in the direction of earth... total non-sense.
yeah that happens.
how is it that i make the excact same thing (about a week ago) and it doesnt get fp?
I just hope that no astroid crash into earth. If it crash into earth, that will be a nightmare