26th Feb 2012
2nd Jan 2013
THE END!!! V2 (would you enjoy) :)
Also, who are the idiots who placed the tags?... dafuqisthis... fail... All the people who did that suck :/... And it can happen in real life you noobs. ever heard of meteors? Lol.
WTF? The moon causes a super explosion even though it has nothing explosive on it or does the meteor. POOR QUALITY SAVE -1!!!!1!!!1!1. Lol just kidding i'll give a +1 for teh funnies.
I just hope that it's nighttime when this happens.
it makes a pac-man sorta shape after the explosion! LOL :) :-()
i vote up because the effect u made but i wanted to vote down because the world will not end before the sun has not fuel!(helio in spanish sorry idk in eng)
Fire display
LOL!! :)
good work i like it and i almost stoped the meteor thing destroy the earth but 2 sprinklles destroyed it LOL
thanks :D
put decoration layer off . it's easy but nice +1