The custom is the Painted red, I have a similar one in life like this but its blue instead of red. Also it's dedicated to the Pixel Club Art Supgroup :D Yahz Welcomz Forz Deh Gunz :D Hehehe (Please no hate comment's or I'll rat on yo ass XD)
It's a word. There you go. It means your fucking stupid/retarted -_- Figure it out with essintilss -_-
"fucktart"? please define this word?
Stfu you can't tell me waht to do on my own damn save. so get the fuck out. And if no one cares DONT FUCKING COMMENT FUCKTART
who fucking cares stop bitchfighting you both.
I wouldn't care if you kept talking because I'll get a fucking mod to mute your ass. :D and I can say ANYTHING on my save bitch so smd
you really can't say what i care and don't care for... for example; i would not care if you jumped off a bridge with a rope tied around your throat so you would be decapitated. just saying :P
Well you seem to care when you saw my comment. Fucking dumbass
i did read it. i just didn't care what it said? :L
I don't care. Look at the top dumbass. I'm suprise you got through 2nd grade. Without knowing how to read :I
make it shoot and have a bullet counter and all...